Sources 45 - Resource Bookshelf

Reviewed by Ulli Diemer

The Directory of Labour Organizations in Canada is divided into five main sections. The largest lists international and national unions, in alphabetical order by name, giving the number of members of each union, address and other contact information, the officers, and the number of locals which belong to it. Publication names and dates of annual conventions are also provided. The other sections list independent local organizations, including company unions. The third section provides detailed information abut central labour congresses; section four lists other labour organizations, and section five lists world organizations. Also provided are statistics on union membership in Canada, a glossary of labour terms, and an index of executive officials. There are A-Z indexes of both English and French names.

The Directory of Community Services in Toronto Blue Book lists more than 1,200 community services agencies located in Toronto. Each agency's detailed entry provides basic contract information, hours of service, area served, target population, accessibility, languages spoken, and a brief mission statement. The main listings are in alphabetical order by agency name. A 39-page Language Index cross-lists agencies by the languages in which they provide services. The 188-page subject index is supplemented by a 34-page thesaurus of terms used. There is also a bizarre section called "Rotated Terms" of less apparent usefulness than the 24 blank pages also contained in this book. The Blue Book is a useful but somewhat unwieldy resource whose usefulness would be increased if it was redesigned, tightened up, and the number of pages decreased by 50%.

To find background information on a prominent individual quickly, the Canadian Who's Who is an excellent resource. More than 15,000 Canadians are profiled, with addresses and phone numbers, date and place of birth, education, family history, career information, memberships, honours and awards, and short biographies (nothing juicy, though).

Can You Recommend a Good Book on Indexing? Yes, I can - this one. Weinberg's in-depth reviews focus on key considerations in the organization and retrieval of organization and present crisp analyses of the strengths and weaknesses of publications in the field. Reading this book would be of more benefit to aspiring and practicing indexers than many a textbook on the topic. Just as importantly, you'd know which books on indexing, cataloguing and classification are worth consulting, and which are to be avoided.

1998 Directory of Labour Organizations in Canada
Workplace Information Directorate, Human Resources Development Canada
Canadian Government Publishing
1998, 304pp, ISBN 0-660-60756-5, Catalogue No. L2-2/1998

Directory of Community Services in Toronto Blue Book 99
Community Information Toronto
425 Adelaide St. West, 2nd floor, Toronto M5C 3C1
1999, 950pp, ISBN 0-921001-40-1, ISSN 1189-9786, $54.95

Canadian Who's Who 1999
University of Toronto Press
Print and CD-ROM
1999, 1380pp, $170 book, $195 CD-ROM, $275 book & CD-ROM

Can You Recommend a Good Book on Indexing? Collected Reviews on the Organization of Information
Bella Hass Weinberg
Information Today with the American Society of Indexers
1998, 164pp, ISBN 1-57387-041-2, $39.50


Published Winter 2000 in Sources, a directory for journalists and researchers.

Subject Headings
Internet Research - Primary Sources - Reference Books - Reference Libraries - Reference Sources - Reference Sources/Directories - Reference Sources/Guides to the Literature - Reference Sources/Indexes - Research - Research Methods - Researchers