The Canadian Writers' Guide
A great resource for writers who are just starting out in the business,
as well as those who want to become more professional in their work.
Dozens of writers have contributed their expertise and views to
this volume. There are 15 sections, each section consisting of from
anywhere from three to fifteen articles. Section titles include
"Inspiration," "Look After Business," "Nonfiction
Techniques," "Fiction Techniques," "Children
& Young Adults," "Newspapers and Periodicals,"
"Books", "Theatre, Screen & Radio", "Non-Traditional
Markets,", and "Writer's Reference." This is a book
you'll take off the shelf when you're stuck and looking for advice
on becoming unstuck.
The Globe and Mail Style Book
Created for journalists at the Globe and Mail, this is a
useful tool for any writer or editor needing a reference to style
and Canadian usage. And it's fun to browse through if you're grinding
out an article and needing to take a procrastination break.
A Dictionary of Contemporary World History
A useful addition to your reference bookshelf. More than 2,500 entries,
detailed yet concise, covering countries, individuals, political
parties and movements, and events.
The Great Canadian Book of Lists
The kind of book you might flip through on a hot summer day at the
cottage. You'll find what the authors deem the ten best Canadian
TV series, the top ten radio or television commercials, Canada's
top ten agricultural exports in 1901 and 1998, Canada's ten largest
islands, the ten worst air crashes in Canadian air space, ten of
the most significant political events of the twentieth century,
the greatest hockey players of all time in the opinion of the editors
- well, you get the idea.
The International Directory of Little Magazines and Small Presses
A directory of hidden treasures. Detailed listings for thousands
of small publishers and publications, including addresses, editors,
phone numbers, publishing schedules, editorial descriptions. Includes
a subject index and a regional index. A worthwhile resource for
libraries, for writers looking for places to publish, and for readers
seeking voices outside the commercial mainstream.
The design could use some improvement. The column width in the listings
section is too wide to be easily readable (why not two columns per
page?). The subject index is a good idea poorly executed. It lacks
page headers and the actual headings are hard to spot. Open the
book at random in the index section, and you can't always even be
sure if you're in the regional index or the subject index. Wihtin
the subject index, it's hard to know where you are because many
of the topics are so general that the entries under them go on page
after page.
A bit of redesign could make this book more user-friendly and more
The Concise Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature
An abridged version of the Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature.
This version is about half the size of the original 1997 volume.
What has been omitted are many of the survey articles, especially
on regional and genre literature, which appear in the unabridged
versions. Entries on francophone writers whose books have not been
translated into English have also been omitted. On the other hand,
many of the entries on individual writers have been updated to include
descriptions of their recent works.
Media Law
A first-rate volume on media law in the United Kingdom. Offers intelligent
analysis on the law and important decisions as they pertain to freedom
of expression, defamation, obscenity, privacy, copyright, contempt
of court, censorship, etc.
The New York Times 2003 Almanac
An almanac covering "the United States and the world"
with the emphasis very much on the United States. Includes wide-ranging
information on U.S. geography, history, government, politics, population,
economy, religion, sports, entertainment, and many other topics.
Competent but standard brief surveys of the "nations of the
world" and international organizations.
If you need a U.S. almanac, this is a good one. If you want a world
almanac, look elsewhere.
The Essential Desk Reference
Very much an American reference book, with the section on the United
States equivalent in size to the section on the Nations and Territories
of the World.
The section on the Sciences is a useful reference if you want to
know about the Beaufort Wind Scale, common mathematical terms, the
phases of the moon, the layers of the earth's atmosphere, the periodic
table of elements, or the 10 strongest U.S. earthquakes.
The section on Arts and Leisure is overwhelming U.S.-centric, with
lists of the top 20 U.S. newspapers, 125 Significant American Plays
and Musicals, Major Regional Theater Companies (in the U.S.), 125
Favorite Television Series, or U.S. National Parks, National Football
League Teams, or World Travel Requirements for U.S. Citizens.
The Work and Home section covers topics like U.S. tax laws, and
American universities.
The Canadian Writers' Guide
13th Edition
Edited by Paul G. Cormack and Murphy O. Shewchuk
Canadian Authors Association
Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2003, 554pp, ISBN 1-55041-740-1, $
The Globe and Mail Style Book
A Guide to Language and Usage
J.A. (Sandy) McFarlane and Warren Clements
McClelland & Stewart, 1998, 452pp, ISBN 0-7710-3337-0, $24.99
A Dictionary of Contemporary World History
From 1900 to the Present Day
Edited by Jan Palmowksi
Oxford University Press, 2003, 725pp, ISBN 0-19-860484-X
The Great Canadian Book of Lists
Mark Kearney and Randy Ray
Dundurn, 1999, 326pp, ISBN 0-88882-213-8, $19.99
The International Directory of Little Magazines and Small Presses
Edited by Len Fulton
Dustbooks, 2001, 845pp, ISBN 0-916685-83-7, $35.95 (U.S.)
The Concise Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature
Edited by William Toye
Oxford University Press, 2001, 529pp, ISBN 0-19-541523-X, $49.95
Media Law
Fourth Edition
Geoffrey Robertson and Andrew Nicol
Penguin, 2002, 908pp, ISBN 0-14-024769-6, $66
The New York Times 2003 Alamanc
Edited by John W. Wright with Editors and Reporters of The New York
Penguin, 2002, 1008pp, ISBN 0-14-200169-4, $17.50
The Essential Desk Reference
Oxford University Press, 2002, 841pp, ISBN 0-19-512873-7
Published Summer 2003 in Sources,
a directory for journalists and researchers.
Subject Headings
Internet Research -
Primary Sources -
Reference Books -
Reference Libraries -
Reference Sources -
Reference Sources/Directories -
Reference Sources/Guides to the Literature -
Reference Sources/Indexes -
Research -
Research Methods -