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Introductions to sections of the Connexions Annual written by Ulli Diemer.
Compiled by Ulli Diemer
The following is a short and selective resource list on issues
addressed in the Connexions Annual. For much more
extensive and in-depth coverage featuring reviews of several thousand
publications, indexed by subject, title, and author, please see
the Connexions Digest.
Back issues of the Connexions Digest are available from Connexions, 489 College Street, Suite 305, Toronto M6G 1A5; Phone: .
Directories and Other Information Sources
Alternative Press Index. An index to alternative and radical publications. See #1746.
Alternative Publications: A Guide to Directories, Indexes, Bibliographies and Other Sources. Whitaker, Cathy Seitz. McFarland & Co., Box 611, Jefferson NC 28640 U.S.A., 1990, 90pp, ISBN 0-89950-484-1.
Associations Canada: An encyclopedic directory. Canadian Almanac and Directory Publishing Company, 1260pp. Extensive directory of Canadian associations.
Connexions Annual 1994: A Sourcebook of Social and Environmental Alternatives. Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Connexions, 489 College St., Suite 305, Toronto, Ontario M6G 1A5. 224pp, ISBN 0-9692751-2-9, $30.
Corpus Almanac & Canadian Sourcebook. Southam Information and Technology Group. A broadly based source of information about Canada, including geography, population, government, transportation, communication, law, labour, business.
Ethnocultural Directory of Canada/Repertoire Ethnoculturel du Canada. Bathalon, Real, Lemieux, Nathalie. Monchanin Cross-Cultural Centre, 4917 St. Urbain, Montral, Qubec H2T 2W1.
Europe Against the Current: Catalogue on Alternative, Independent and Radical Information Carriers. Tijen, Tjebba van. 1990, 240pp.
Finding Answers: The Essential Guide to Gathering Information in Canada. Tudor, Dean. McClelland & Stewart, 1993, 308pp, ISBN 0-7710-8637-7. A guide to information gathering and research.
Finding Canadian Facts Fast: How to Research Information about almost Anybody or Anything — Quickly, Cheaply, and Legally. Overbury, Stephen. McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1989, 192pp, ISBN 0-07-549695-X. How to do research in Canada.
The Green List: A Guide to Canadian Environmental Organizations and Agencies. Canadian Environmental Network/Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development.
Human Rights: A Directory of Resources. Fenton, Thomas P., Heffron, Mary J. (ed.) Orbis Books/Third World Resources, 1990, 156pp, ISBN 0-88344-534-4.
Human Rights Internet Reporter Master List of Human Rights Organizations & Serial Publications. Human Rights Internet.
Macrocosm USA: Possibilities for a New Progressive Era. Brockway, Sandi (ed.). Macrocosm USA Inc., P.O. Box 969, Cambria CA 93428 U.S.A., 1992 422, 0-9632315-5-3.
National Aboriginal Directory. Arrowfax, 183 King Street, #301, London, Ontario N6A 1C9, 1991.
The Radical Bookseller Directory of Bookshops, Publishers, and Periodicals. O’Callaghan, Einde. The Radical Bookseller. 265 Seven Sisters Road, London N4 2DE, United Kingdom, 1992, 128pp, ISBN 0-9518898-0-X.
Sources: for Editors, Reporters & Researchers. Sources, 489 College Street, #305, Toronto, Ontario M6G 1A5. 552pp, ISBN 0-920299-19-9. See #1675.
TRIP Vol. V: The Resources of International Permaculture: A Directory of Groups Working for Sustainable Habitation of the Earth. Hemenway, Dan (ed.) Yankee Permaculture, 7781 Lenox Avenue, Jacksonville FL 3221 U.S.A., 1993, 66pp.
Organization Management, Fundraising, etc.
Canadian Directory to Foundations. Canadian Centre for Philanthropy.
A directory of charitable foundations in
Canadian Index to Foundation Grants. Canadian Centre for
Philanthropy. A list of grants made by charitiable
foundations in Canada.
Development Today: A Fund Raising Guide for Nonprofit Organizations. Lant, Jeffrey. JLA Publications, 50 Follen Street, #507, Cambridge MA 02138 USA. 1986, 280pp, ISBN 0-940374-11-0.
Funding for Social Change. Klein, Kim. Centre for Responsive Governance Press, 1985, 208pp, ISBN 0-939686-00-7.
Fundraising for Non-Profit Groups: How to Get Money from Corporations, Foundations, and Government. Young, Joyce.
A Guide to Establishing a Human Rights Documentation Centre. Wiseberg, Laurie S. (ed.) Human Rights Internet, c/o Human Rights Cente, University of Ottawa, 57 Louis Pasteur, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5, 1990, 80pp.
Media for Social Change. Community Forum on Shared Responsibility. 1983.
Money isn’t everything: A Survival Manual for Non-Profit Organizations, Fisher, John
Organizing for Change
Ah-Hah! A New Approach to Popular Education. GATT-fly. 112pp.
Blocking Progress: Consensus Decision Making In The Anti-Nuclear Movement. Rayn, Howard.
The Barefoot Channel: Community Television as a Tool for Social Change. Goldberg, Kim. New Star Books, 1990, 176pp, ISBN 0-919573-95-9.
Children and Peacemaking. Acker, Ruth et al. Peace Education Resource Centre, 10 Trinity Square, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1B1, 1992, 40pp.
Clearness: Processes for Supporting Individuals and Groups in Decision-Making. Woodrow, Peter, New Society Publishers, 1976, 30pp, ISBN 0-86571-011-2.
Combatting Racism in the Workplace: A Course for Workers. Cross Cultural Communications Centre.
Educating for a Change: Arnold, Rick; Burke, Bev; James, Carl; Martin, D’Arcy; Thomas, Barb. Doris Marshall Institute for Education and Action/Between the Lines, 1991, 206pp, ISBN 0-921284-48-9.
Fighting for Hope: Organizing to Realize Our Dreams. Kuyek, Joan Newman. Black Rose Books, 1990, 209pp, ISBN 0-921689-86-1.
Getting There: Producing Photostories With Immigrant Women. Barndt, Deborah, Cristall, Ferne, Marino, Dian. Between The Lines.
Guide to Food Buying Clubs. Ontario Federation of Food Cooperatives and Clubs, 22 Mowat Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M6K 3E9, 1993, 20pp.
The Mass Strike, the Political Party and the Trade Unions. Luxemburg, Rosa.
Meeting Facilitation: The No Magic Method. Lakey, Berit. New Society Publishers, 10pp.
Naming the Moment: Political Analysis for Action: A Manual for Community Groups. Barndt, Deborah, Freire, Carolos. Jesuit Centre for Social Faith and Justice, 947 Queen Street East, Toronto, Ontario M4M 1J9, 1989, 90pp, ISBN 0-921946-00-7.
Peacemaking in Your Neighbourhood: Reflections on an Experiment in Community Mediation. Beer, Jennifer E. Friends Suburban Project, New Society Press, 1986, 245pp, ISBN 0-86571-071-6 (pb), 0-86571-072-4 (hc).
Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Freire, Paulo.
People Power: Applying Nonviolence Theory. Alpert, David H. New Society Publishers, 1985, 62pp, ISBN 0-86571-049-X.
Resource Manual for A Living Revolution: A handbook of skills & tools for social change activists. Coover, Virginia, Deacon, Ellen, Esser, Charles, Moore, Christopher. New Society Publishers, 1985, ISBN 0-86571-056-2.
Rules for Radicals: A Practical Guide for Realistic Radicals. Alinsky, Saul.
Starting a Worker Co-operative: An Introduction. The Worker Ownership Development Foundation.
Tools for Change: A Curriculum about Women and Work. Women’s Skill Development Society.
A Troublemaker’s Handbook: How to Fight Back Where You Work — And Win! La Btoz, Dan. Labor Notes, 1991, 262pp, ISBN 0-914093-04-5.
What a Way to Run a Railroad. An Analysis of Radical Failure. Landry, Charles.
When Hate Groups Come to Town: A Handbook of Model Community Responses. Williams, Randall, Wells, Lyn. Center for Democratic Renewal (formerly the National Anti-Klan Network).
Women and Peace. Voice of Women Halifax. 1987, ISBN 0-9692804-0-8.
Worker Buyouts: The Role of Trade Unions and Community Organizations. Jackson, E.T.
Worker Co-operatives: An Introduction. Schnack, Kris and Jackson, Ted. Communityworks, Inc. 1985, 45pp.
Alternative Visions and Strategies
The Anarchist Collectives: Workers’ Self-Management in the Spanish Revolution 1936-1939. Dolgoff, Sam. Black Rose Books, 1974, 192pp, ISBN 0-919618-20-0.
Blueprint for a Green Economy. Pearce, David, Markandya, Anil, Barbier, Edward B. Earthscan, 1989, 192pp, ISBN 1-85383-066-6.
Blueprint for our Cultural Future. Canadian Conference of the Arts, 189 Laurier Avenue East, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6P1. 1993, 14pp.
Building Sustainable Communities: Tools and Concepts for Self-Reliant Economic Change. Morehouse, Ward (ed.) Bootstrap Press, 1989, 187pp, ISBN 0-942850-11-4.
From the Roots Up: Economic Development as if Community Mattered. Ross, David P., Usher, Peter. J.
Green Business: Hope or Hoax? Toward an authentic strategy for restoring the Earth. Plant, Christopher, Plant, Judith. New Society Publishers/New Catalyst Bioregional Series, 1991, 136pp, ISBN 1-55092-147-9.
In Praise of Idleness: Russell, Bertrand.
Karl Marx: Essential Writings: Bender, Frederic L.
Letters of Insurgents. Nachalo, Sophia and Vochek, Yarostan (Perlman, Freddy). Black and Red, 1976, 832pp.
Major Universal Problems of Living: A new approach to information. Borsodi, Ralph.
People or Personnel and Like a Conquered Province. Goodman, Paul.
The Media
Communication For and Against Democracy. Rabey, Marc. A critique of media coverage of the free trade debate.
Electronic Nightmare: The Home Communications Set and Your Freedom. Wicklow, John.
Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media. Part 1: Thought Control in a Democratic Society. Part 2: Activating Dissent. Achbar, Mark; Wintonick, Peter. Necessary Illusions/National Film Board of Canada, 1993, ISBN 0-7720-464-0.
Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in Democratic Societies. Chomsky, Noam. Anansi, 1991.
Pornography in a Free Society. Hawkins, Gordon, and Zimring, Franklin E. University of Cambridge, 1988.
Economic Issues
The Canadian Corporate Elite: An Analysis of Economic Power. Clement, Wallace.
The Canadian Labour Movement: A Short History. Heron, Craig. James Lorimer & Co., 1989, 188pp, ISBN 1-55028-191-7.
Corporate Power and Canadian Capitalism. Caroll, William, K.
False God: How the Globalization Myth has Impoverished Canada. Laxer, James. Lester Publishing. 1993. 152pp, ISBN 1-895555-09-4.
False Promises: The Shaping of American Working Class Consciousness. Aronowitz, Stanley.
The Fight for Canada: Four Centuries of Resistance to American Expansionism. Orchard, David. Stoddart. 1993. 292pp, ISBN 0-7737-5569-1
Government Limited: The Corporate Takeover of the Public Sector in Canada. Calvert, John.
Not a Sentimental Journey: What’s Behind the VIA Rail Cuts. What YOU Can Do About It. Davis, Jo (ed), Turnaround Decade Group, 1990, 240pp, ISBN 0-921078-01-3.
The Political Economy of Pensions: Power, Politics and Social Change in Canada, Britain and the U.S. Deaton, Richard Lee. University of British Columbia Press, 1989, 500pp, ISBN 0-7748-0318-5.
The Privatization Putsch. Hardin, Herschel, Institute for Research on Public Policy.
Restructuring and Resistance: Perspectives from Atlantic Canada. Fairley, Bryand, Leys, Colin, Sacouman, James (eds.) Garamond Press, 1990, 270pp, ISBN 0-920059-51-1.
Salmon: The Decline of the British Columbia Fishery. Meggs, Geoff. Douglas & McIntyre, 1991, 265pp, ISBN 0-88894-734-8.
Small is Beautiful: A Study of Economics as if People Mattered. Schumacher, E.F.
Strike! The True History of Mass Insurgence from 1877 to the Present. Brecher, Jeremy.
Take over the City: The case for public ownership of financial institutions. Minns, Richard.
Talking Fair Taxes: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 251 Laurier Avenue West, #804, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5J6, 1993.
Trading Freedom: How Free Trade Affects Our Lives, Work and Environment. Cavanagh, John; Gershman, John; Baker, Karen; Helmke, Gretchen. Between the Lines, 1992, 138pp, ISBN 0-921284-60-8.
Transnational Corporations and Labor. Orbis Books, 1990, ISBN 0-88344-635-9.
The Unmaking of Canada: The Hidden Theme in Canadian History since 1945. Chodos, Robert, Murphy, Rae, Hamovitch, Eric.
The Wealthy Banker’s Wife: The Assault on Equality in Canada. McQuaig, Linda. Penguin, 1993, 192pp, ISBN 0-14-023065-3.
Why Work? Arguments for the Leisure Society. Richards, Vernon.
Community and Urban
The Canadian City. Gerecke, Kent. Black Rose Books, 1991.
The City and Radical Social Change. Roussopoulos, Dimitrios.
Communitas: Means of Livelihood and Ways of Life. Goodman, Paul.
Community Dreams: Ideas for enriching neighbourhood and community life. Berkowitz, Bill.
The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Jacobs, Jane.
Paving Paradise: Is British Columbia Losing Its Heritage? Kluckner, Michael. Whitecap Books, 1991, 217pp, 1-895099-90-0.
The Politics of Urban Liberation. Schecter, Stephen.
Red Bologna. Jaggi, Max.
Summerhill. Neill, A. S.
Teaching for Democratic Citizenship. Osborne, Ken. Our Schools/Our Selves, 1698 Gerrard Street East, Toronto, Ontario M4L 2B2, 1991, 202pp, ISBN 0-921908-1.
What Our High Schools Could Be... A Teacher’s Reflections from the 60’s to the 90’s. Davis, Bob. Our Schools/Our Selves, 1698 Gerrard Street East, Toronto, Ontario M4L 2B2, 1990, 260pp, ISBN 0-921908-08-3
Acid Earth: The global threat of acid pollution. McCormick, John. Earthscan, 1985, 186pp, ISBN 0-905347-61-7.
Canada: A Natural History. Livingston, John, Photos by Tim Fitzharris. Royal Canadian Geographical Society and Penguin Books, 1988, 200pp, ISBN 0-670-82186-1.
The Canadian Environmental Education Catalogue: A Guide to Selected Resources and Materials. Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development. Box 7558, Drayton Valley, Alberta T0E 0M0, 1993, 0-921719-07-8.
Climate Change and World Agriculture. Parry, Martin. Earthscan. 1990, 157pp, ISBN 1-85383-065-8.
Cut and Run: The Assault on Canada’s Forests. Swift, Jamie.
The Earthscan Action Handbook. Litvinoff, Miles.
Energy 2000: A Global Strategy for Sustainable Development.World Commission on Environment and Development, Zed Books, 1987, 76pp, 0-86232-711-3.
Farm Gate Defence. Wilford, Allen. N.C. Press
Food 2000: Global Policies for Sustainable Agriculture. World Commission on Environment and Development. Zed Books. 1987. 131pp, ISBN 0-86232-709-1.
Fresh Water Seas: Saving the Great Lakes. Weller, Phil Between the Lines, 1990, 205pp, ISBN 0-921284-19-5.
In Our Backyard: A Greater Vancouver environmental guide... Trendell-Whittaker, Peggy. Whitecap Books, 1992. 120pp, ISBN 1-55110-040-1.
Land and Community: Crisis in Canada’s Countryside. Sim, R. Alex. University of Guelph, 1988.
Living with the Land: Communities Restoring the Earth. Meyer, Christine, Moosang, Faith. New Society Publishers/New Catalyst Bioregional Series, 1992, 131pp, ISBN 1-55092-193-2.
Managing Wastes: A Guide to Citizens’ Involvement. Jackson, John, Wallace, Barbara. Citizens’ Clearinghouse on Waste Management. R.R. 2, Cameron, Ontario K0M 1G0, 1992, 40pp.
Poisoners of the Seas. Gourlay, K.A. Zed Books, 1988, 256pp, ISBN 0-86232-686-9.
The Rising Seas. Ince, Martin.
Sea of Slaughter. Mowat, Farley. McLelland and Stewart, Ltd. 438pp
Spirit of the Wolf: The Environment and Canada’s Future: Volume 1. Davis, Jo. Turnaround Decade Ecological Communications, P.O. Box 788, Waterloo, Ontario N2J 4C2. 1991. 192pp, ISBN 1-895541-00-X.
Human Rights and Civil Liberties
RCMP vs. the People: Inside Canada’s Security Service. Mann, Edward, & John Allan Lee.
The Un-Canadians: True Stories of the Blacklist Era. Scher, Len. Lester Publishing, 1992, 271pp, ISBN 1-895555-18-3.
Uncivil Obedience: The Tactics and Tales of a Democratic Agitator. Borovoy, A. Alan. Lester Publishing, 1991, 225pp, ISBN 1-895555-08-6.
When Freedom Was Lost: The Unemployed, the Agitator, and the State. Brown, Lorne. Black Rose Books, 1987.
When Freedoms Collide: The Case for Civil Liberties. Borovoy, A.Alan 1988, 384pp, 0-88619-191-2.
Women Against Censorship. Burstyn, Varda. Douglas & McIntyre, 1985, 210pp, ISBN 0-88894-455-1.
World Human Rights Guide, Third Edition: A comprehensive, up-to-date survey of the human rights records of 104 major countries. Humana, Charles. Oxford University Press, 1992, 396pp, ISBN 0-19-507926-4.
Native Peoples
A Long and Terrible Shadow: White Values, Native Rights in the Americas 1492-1992. Berger, Thomas R. Douglas & McIntyre, 1991, 183pp, ISBN 1-55054-057-2.
Resource Reading List. Canadian Alliance In Solidarity With Native Peoples.
Stolen Continents: The ‘New World’ Through Indian Eyes. Wright, Ronald. Penguin, 1992, 242pp, 0-14-013932-X.
Theory and Practice
The Betrayal of Marx. Bender, Frederick L.
Bi Any Other Name: Bisexual People Speak Out. Hutchins, Loraine, Kaahumanu, Lani (ed.) Alyson Publications, 40 Plympton Street, Boston MA 02118 U.S.A., (617)542-5679), 1991, 380pp, ISBN 1-55583-174-5.
Democracy is in the Streets: From Port Huron to the Siege of Chicago. Miller, James. Touchstone/Simon & Schuster. 1987. 431pp, ISBN 0-671-66235-X.
The Design of Everyday Things. Norman, Donald A. Doubleday, 1988
Dialectic and History: An Introduction. James, C.L.R.
The Ecology of Freedom: The Emergence and Dissolution of Hierarchy. Bookchin, Murray.
Facing Reality. James, C.L.R., Grace C. Lee; Chaulieu, Pierre.
Getting Started on Social Analysis in Canada. Czerny, Michael
Inversions: Writing by Dykes, Queers & Lesbians. Warland, Betsy. Press Gang, 1991, 273pp, 0-88974-036-4.
Lesbians in Canada. Stone, Sharon Dale (ed). Between the Lines, 1990, 233pp, ISBN 0-921284-29-2.
Marxism and Freedom: From 1776 to Today. Dunayevskaya, Raya.
The Party of Eros: Radical Social Thought and the Realm of Freedom. King, Richard.
The Philosophy of Social Ecology: Essays on Dialectical Naturalism. Bookchin, Murray. Black Rose Books. 1990, 198pp, ISBN 0-921689-68-3.
Portugal: The Impossible Revolution? Mailer, Phil
Powers of Desire: The Politics of Sexuality. Snitow, Anne.
Preston Manning and the Reform Party. Dobbin, Murray. Goodread Biographies/Formac Publishing, 1992, 298pp, ISBN 0-88780-161-7.
The Prosperous Few and the Restless Many. Chomsky, Noam. Odonian Press/The Real Story Series, Box 7776, Berkeley CA 94707 U.S.A., 1993, 96pp, ISBN 1-878825-03-8.
Putting Power in its Place: Create Community Control! Plant, Judith, Plant, Christopher. New Society Press/New Catalyst Bioregional Series, 1992, 137pp, 1-55092-159-2.
Race, Class, Gender: Bonds and Barriers. Vorst, Jesse.
Relentless Persistence: Non-violent Action in Latin America. McManus, Philip, and Schlabach, Gerald. New Society Publishers, 1991.
Rosa Luxemburg: Selected Political Writings. Looker, Robert (ed.)
Rosa Luxemburg, Women’s Liberation, and Marx’s Philosphy of Revolution. Dunayevskya, Raya.
SDS. Sale, Kirkpatrick.
The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage. Gitlin, Todd. Bantam Books 1989, 514pp, ISBN 0-533-34601-6.
Social Movements/Social Change: The Politics and Practice of Organizing. Cunningham, Frank; Findlay, Sue; Kadar, Marlene; et.al. Between the Lines, 1988, 272pp, ISBN 0-86571-131-3.
Social Reform or Revolution. Luxemberg, Rosa.
Socialism in Crisis? Canadian Perspectives. Roberts, Jos., Vorst, Jesse. Society for Socialist Studies/Fernwood Publishing, 1992 240pp, 1-895686-08-3.
Stepping Out of Line: A Workbook on Lesbianism and Feminism. Hughes, Nym.
The Uses of Disorder. Sennett, Richard.
Waiting For Democracy: A Citizen’s Journal. Salutin, Rick. Viking, 1989, 300pp, ISBN 0-670-82284-1.
What Uncle Sam Really Wants. Chomsky, Noam. Odonian Press/The Real Story Series, Box 7776, Berkeley CA 94707 U.S.A., 1993, 112pp, ISBN 1-878825-01-1.
What is Class Conciousness? Reich, Wilhelm.
Contact information for Ulli Diemer: